Serge Ibrahim KONE

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Serge Ibrahim KONE, Optician at RIIO iHospital

Our Specialists

Serge Ibrahim KONE


Serge Ibrahim KONE, an optician by training, boasts over 15 years of experience in the optics field. After completing his BTS (Advanced Technician’s Certificate) in Optics at ISFOP-Optique Abidjan, he furthered his education by earning a Master’s degree in Marketing and Management.

Having worked and evolved in Côte d’Ivoire, he has been involved in various sectors of optics, serving as a workshop technician, store salesperson, store manager, glass surfacing laboratory technician, and Technical Sales Manager for SIVO-ESSILOR in Côte d’Ivoire. In the latter role, he covered the entire country and managed a portfolio of opticians on behalf of SIVO-ESSILOR. He also had a brief stint in ophthalmology in 2009.

After an impressive career, he ventured to Rwanda where he was sought after to create and launch an optical store. Captivated by the country and driven by the desire to contribute his expertise, he has been involved in several projects, either launching new stores or revitalizing existing ones, serving as a consultant or director, and providing technical and sales training to optical store teams.

Serge has acquired skills such as a sense of rigor and organization, forming the foundation of his professional diversity and efficiency. The desire for effort, challenges, and achieving results motivates him to continually seek development in his endeavors.

Growing and establishing oneself in the field, building and developing beyond one’s home country, and now promoting at the international level.

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